The Christmas Credit Crunch

ที่ 5:14 AM
By Jan Gamm

Christmas is a time when most of us want to spend more than at any other time of the year on our families and friends. This year, unfortunately, many of us are finding it necessary to spend less than ever before, due to the global economy crisis.

There is no need to spend thousands of dollars to make Christmas a memorable event. Some things really do not cost very much and often they are the things your family will remember for years to come as the nicest part of this frugal Christmas.

In the days before Christmas, make an effort to allow your children to invite their friends home, even if it is just to watch some TV and eat some Christmas food. Organise some games for younger children and take them out to see the Christmas lights, maybe stage some carol singing. Most kids love this fun part of Christmas and it costs very little.

Instead of buying expensive electronic games this year, try investing in a good quality family board game that everyone can enjoy and take the time to actually play it with the rest of the family. Play some Christmas music, insist that the television goes off while you are playing and you will find that plenty of fun is had by all.

If you do not have an artificial Christmas tree and always buy a real one, try a smaller size to save money. You can raise the height by placing it on a small table. Stack 'artificial' present around the bottom of the tree to fill the gap, but remember to explain to the kids that they are not real and only for decoration, to avoid disappointment

If you are fortunate enough to have snow, then take the children out sledding on Christmas morning. Join up with friends and take some Christmas punch along to add to the festive warmth.

Jan Gamm writes reflections on life with an emphasis on world travel. She has lived in many countries and traveled extensively in the Far East, the Middle East, America, South America and throughout the South Pacific. She writes for fun and for money whenever she can manage it.
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