How to Make Unique Christmas Gifts With Simple Snowflake Designs

ที่ 6:13 AM 0 ความคิดเห็น
By Penny Vedrenne

Since snowflake designs are so much a part of Christmas I came up with a few ideas for using them in some gift giving projects. OK I know what you're thinking. This is all about making some tacky, juvenile pictures for a grandmother to hang on the fridge. Not so. You'll learn how to make a nice glass jar with tasty goodies or bath salts, embellish a wine bag for a classy look and a few wrapping and card making ideas for a vintage look. Yes, they are easy but I think you'll be surprised at the finished product as will the lucky people on your gift list this year. I hope you find inspiration in these ideas and have a great time creating these unique gifts.

To start any snowflake crafts project you'll need to cut out paper snowflakes. This will give you a snowflake design. Snowflakes are six sided (hexagonal) so you'll need to fold a piece of paper so that the finished design will have six symmetrical extensions. Fold a piece of paper starting at the top right corner. Make sure that the top of the paper and the right side are aligned. Cut off the paper at the bottom not in the folded area. Bring the two points of the folded side together and mark the center along the fold. From the unfolded corner opposite the center mark, measure 3 and 1/8" along either side and make a mark. Draw two lines from the center mark on the fold to each of the marks on the unfolded side. Now fold along each line. I know it sounds complicated for just a paper snowflake but once you see how it's done you'll find that it's easy to just fold without all the measuring.

Now that you have the paper folded, cut away a few pieces. If you are cutting along the outside a scissors will work fine. But if you want to get more detail, you can use a craft knife to cut out holes any where in the center. I like to draw out a pattern before I start cutting. When finished cutting, unfold carefully and flatten. Now you have a snowflake cutout design. This snowflake pattern will be the start of many great projects.

For some projects you will need a stencil. To make a stencil, place the cutout on a full sheet of paper (or stencil film if you want a permanent stencil for multiple uses). Trace around all the edges and then cut out with a craft knife. Now you're ready to make some gifts and decorate the wrapping.

Oh! By the way, it's a good idea to make copies of the snowflake designs, and preserve your originals for more projects. Also, since these designs are on paper, don't forget that you can resize them to fit any project size by reducing or enlarging on a copy machine.

It's fun and easy to make Christmas Cards. Using colored construction paper, cut a rectangle to 8 inches by 6 inches. Fold along the 8 inch side in half so that you have a 6 by 4 inch card. Use a cutout snowflake design and glue to the front of the card. Be creative and cut out two or three different snowflakes and make it snow. For an old-fashioned vintage look, glue a ribbon along one side of the cover or attach a colorful button to the center of the snowflake. I like to use a hole-punch tool to make small circles of colored paper and glue them in random patterns around the snowflakes.

Making gift labels is easy with paper snowflakes. Just cut out a small square, rectangle or oval in construction paper and glue on a snowflake cutout. Write your greeting and who the package is for and attach to the gift with a ribbon tied through a hole made with a hole-punch tool.
The best thing about crafting or designing is that you can custom build any item for the person who is receiving it. If you have traditional friends on your list, work with red, green, silver and gold. But if you have friends into retro, then create snowflakes in bright colors like cyan blue, neon green and hot pink. They will feel very special when they receive a gift tailor made for them (including the wrapping). Don't forget about all of the fun you'll have designing and giving!
Here's a great way to turn an old jar into a nice gift. Clean the jar well and remove any labels. Use the snowflake stencils to paint on the jar. You can find paints especially for glass at a crafts supply store. If not, craft acrylics work well too. Just secure the stencil to the jar with tape and use a dabbing motion to lightly tap on some paint. Remember, stenciling is a dry brush technique, so don't overload your brush. Use more layers of paint to achieve deeper colors instead of more paint in a single application. Also, don't brush back and forth because that will drive paint under the stencil. Use a brush made for stenciling or a foam brush. You can use one snowflake, several images of the same snowflake, several paintings of different snowflakes and even different color snowflakes. It's your design so be creative.

If you want the snowy effect, consider lightly spray painting the jar with white before or after the snowflakes with a soft light spray. Don't cover the glass in white, just mist it. Hold the can of spray paint a little further back then you usually would. Maybe make it a little heavier near the top to look like snow accumulation. There are so many ways you could enhance a jar.

But wait! You need to fill it with goodies and top it off. Make some cookies or fudge or other goodies for your jar. Whatever you specialty is. Does the person receiving it have a love for a special candy like peppermints, butterscotch or M&M's? Then fill the jar with that. It's so easy to make them happy. Maybe your friends would like a jar filled with homemade bath salts. That's easy. Just mix 2 cups of Epsom salts with 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 9 drops of essential oils (flavor of your choice - like rose, gardenia, mint, chamomile...). Lock the top of the jar back in place and cover with a piece of festive fabric and secured with a ribbon. Again, you can customize this for the person you are giving it to. If they like cookies, fill it with cookies. If she likes the scent of roses, make a rose scented bath salt. Your gifts will be the ones of envy!

Spruce up a plain brown bag by painting on some snowflake designs from stencils or gluing on a snowflake cutout. Then tuck your gifts inside wrapped with some loose tissue paper. Again, if you want the snowy effect, hold a can of white spray paint about 12" away from the bag and spray a very light mist over the bag. It will only take one or two passes to get that misty, snowy look.

Have you seen those nice cloth or velvet wine bags at the discount stores? If you find some plain ones they are great for enhancing with painted snowflakes. Just secure your stencils in place and tap on a little paint. I found one that is simple red and green velvet with a gold cord and tassel. So I painted my snowflake designs in gold paint and then used a light coat of gold spray glitter.
During the year I collect boxes. Sounds strange I know but after covering them in a solid color of paint, they are a blank canvas for decorating. Stencil on a few snowflakes. Don't just stick with white snowflakes. Imagine a box painted dark blue with pink and light blue snowflakes. It's up to you. You can make your snowflakes traditional or absolutely funky. You'll start looking at boxes in a whole different way.

Make a sachet by stenciling a snowflake design onto a small pouch. Wet a few cotton balls with a fresh scent or essential oils and slip into the pouch. You can find simple drawstring bags at your local crafts supply store. I really like to add these to a gift box that has a scarf or piece of clothing inside. When the box is opened the fresh fragrance is released for an added surprise.

Stencil a snowflake on the corner of a nice linen handkerchief. You can give it as the gift itself or wrap a treasure inside. I like to hang them over the side of a basket and fill the basket up with goodies like cookies and fudge. Also, filling the basket with some fresh red and green apples makes a nice gift arrangement.

It's easy to decorate with stencils. Plus, it's the perfect way to create a one-of-a-kind gift.
Can't cut out a pretty snowflake? No problem! Just click over to Designs From Penny ( They have a variety of cutout designs and stencils. You can purchase the patterns along with complete instructions for making paper snowflakes and many other creative projects in a unique downloadable file. It's a great place to find many fun and artistic stencils along with information on ways that you can create art with them. Don't miss the blogs that feature many ideas on using snowflakes with instructions and pictures of completed projects (like the 3-D snowflake centerpiece described above).

For more information on stenciling, visit All-About-Stencils ( You'll find complete instructions starting at the beginning and graduating to furniture decorating and making art prints. Plus there's a full section on the Holidays complete with many projects for you to create items like Halloween Masks or Christmas Gift Giving Ideas. So, get into the spirit and join us for some fun stencil crafts.
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Youth Christmas Party Planning Checklist

ที่ 5:32 AM 0 ความคิดเห็น
By Ken Sapp

Christmas is just around the corner... Have you prepared for your youth Christmas Party yet? If you don't get things moving well in advance, instead of enjoying the Christmas Vacation with the youth, you could end up being totally stressed and miss valuable opportunities to impact their lives and those of their friends and families.

So here's a Youth Christmas Planning Checklist...

Form a Christmas Party planning committee

Who needs to be involved in the planning for the Christmas Party? (i.e. parents, youth workers, youth, pastoral staff, others?)
What are the roles in the planning and preparation for the Christmas Party and who will be responsible for each role?
Coordinate your Youth Christmas Party with the church as a whole

How will the Christmas Party fit into the over all schedule of Church activities? Does it complement the Church Christmas theme or focus?
Will there be duplication? Should some parts of the Christmas party be jointly organised?
Will there be conflicts of manpower and facilities?
Is your planned date for the Christmas Party on the overall church calendar?
Who will you need to coordinate with? Will it be part of the overall church Christmas plan or separate?
Decide the Christmas Activities Schedule

List the individual activities that will be part of your Youth Christmas program.
What are the times and dates of each event?
What is the venue or location for each event?
How will the Christmas Party fit into the schedule?
Decide your Goal for the Christmas Party

Purpose: What is the purpose for the Christmas party? Is it evangelistic? In appreciation? A simple celebration? To reach out to the community? To help the needy?
Target group: Who is the target group for the Christmas Party? Who do you want to attend the Christmas Party? (age group, Christians / seekers, friends of youth, parents, youth workers, community, etc.)
Brief Description: Write a clear description of the Christmas Party and its goals.
Theme: What is the theme for the Christmas Party?
Plan the Details for the Christmas Party

What is the official name of for the Christmas Party? Does the name clearly communicate the purpose and content?
You should have already written down the date and time and venue for the Party. In addition you will want to add directions to the venue? Is there a map available? About how long will it take travel there? Is it difficult to find?
Tentative Christmas Party Program

What activities will fill the time during the Christmas Party? OVER PLAN and have ALTERNATIVES. (e.g. Icebreakers, gift exchange, Bible study, Movies, Large Group Games, etc.) If you are using another venue, doing an on site inspection in advance will help you better prepare for Christmas games and activities. If there is a gift exchange, how will the exchange be coordinated?
Christmas Party Finances

What's the expected actual cost?
What is the budget for the Youth Christmas Party?
What is the cost to participants?
If there is a Christmas gift exchange, what is the price range for the participant's gifts?
Are there sponsors / sources of supplies or food for the Christmas Party? Will parents or church members make contributions of Christmas goodies and food?
Are there scholarships available?
Does the cost change for early or late sign-ups?
When is payment for the Christmas Party due?
Christmas Party Arrangements

Reservation of Venue?
Recruit Adult chaperones / volunteers for the Christmas Party - A good rule of thumb is to have one chaperon (parent/youth pastor/leader) for every eight youth that attend. (Some groups may require more or less supervision)
Are there to be Special speakers / special items or programs utilizing outside people?
Someone trained in first aid or medicine on site in case of an injury.
What food will be available at the Christmas party? Meals and snacks should be designed to meet the needs of all attendees. Are there any special dietary requirements or restrictions?
Are there any transportation requirements?
Contact information for those responsible for major roles and duties?
Address and contact of nearest medical emergency aid?
What Rules will be enforced?
Create an 'Incident Report' form for any injuries, accidents or security breaches that occur during the Christmas Party?
Christmas Events Publicity

Promotional fliers
Church Bulletin
Church / youth Calendar or events
Invitations - Your invitations should state the starting and ending time of your Christmas party and should mention the food you will be serving. And don't forget to include directions to get to the venue, expecially for first timers. You also will want to include any cost and indicate whether or not participants should bring a gift for a gift exchange and costing for such gifts.
Sign-up form / Permission slips
Postcards to invite friends
Posters / Bulletin Boards
Website / emails
Local newspaper

Equipment and resources needed for the Christmas Party

Are the tables and chairs available at the venue sufficient for participants and the food?
Sound system? Upbeat Christmas Music?
Special lighting?
Special equipment?
Materials and resources for games?
Parking space? Drop off and pick-up point for parents?
Requisition forms for supplies, Checkout / return out form for any equipment or supplies that are borrowed?
Handling emergencies

Any time you get a group of youth together there is a possibility of accidents. They will happen. So be prepared for them.
Christmas Party Attendee list - Name, contact number for parents, and permission slips if you are leaving the church premises. Keep the contact information together in a folder and available at all times in case of an emergency. Make a master copy and a standby copy.
Sponsor list
Emergency contacts
Fire, medical, and police department numbers
What is the name, address and phone number of the nearest hospital or urgent care facility? (This information should be included on your health form/parent release.). What is the most direct route from the venue?
What are the venue management contacts?
Prepare a Parent's contact list.
Prepare a Volunteer list with assigned roles and contact numbers?
What transportation arrangements are required. Contact numbers?
Christmas Party Volunteer Training

Screen Volunteers
Meet with volunteers as a group before party.
List responsibilities and contact numbers for each volunteer including a 'Chain of Command' - who reports to whom, who makes final decisions?
Make sure volunteers are clear on the rules.
Familiarize volunteers with the layout of the venue - especially exits, potential problem areas or hazards.
Assign people in your team to be responsible for cleaning up any spills/ broken glass as soon as it happens?
Trouble shoot with volunteers. What things could happen during the party and how should the volunteers respond?
Have people and vehicles on standby to travel with youth in case of emergency.
Instruct volunteers in how to complete the 'Incident Report' form for any injuries, accidents or security breaches that occur during the Christmas Party and what information is needed. They need to get signatures of any eyewitnesses.
Go through the entire Party schedule. What resources are needed for each item on the schedule and who is responsible to make sure they are ready?
Volunteers must be flexible and ready to help out as needed.
The Day of the Christmas Party

Set up the decorations according to your theme.
Set up for games / activities
Test the sound system and Christmas music
Delivery and storage of food and supplies
Identify key volunteers to participants, especially the medical person.
Are floor surfaces clear of trip hazards and electrical cords?
Are all security, staff and volunteers easily identified with either a uniform, t-shirt, ID badge or cap?
Are Emergency/Fire exits clear of any obstructions and will they have adults monitoring them?
Are there first-aid supplies, fire extinguishers? If so, where are they located?
If you are going to have a gift exchange, have quite a few backups for those that forget or unexpected gifts. Try to insure that everyone gets a gift.
Be sure to have someone take photos and video of the event. They make great Christmas Party souvenirs.
Clean up - It's important to leave the hall or building in the same shape as you found it.
Involve everyone in this process.
After the Christmas Party

Return rental or borrowed items
Thank everyone who made the Christmas Party possible
Meet with the Christmas Party planning committee and evaluate. Ask: What worked well? What could we have done differently? What did we learn from this process?
Review any incident reports completed and see what steps can be taken to prevent similar incidents happening at future youth events.
Complete and file a written event summary including any resources and suggestions for future planning of Christmas Parties.
Send "thank you" cards to everyone who help in any way
This document is a guide only. It contains general information and is not intended to represent a comprehensive checklist. Have suggestions to add? Any words of wisdom? Please click on the comments link below and share with us your wisdom and experience in regards to organizing Christmas Parties for your youth!

Ken has been actively involved in youth ministry for almost 20 years and has been writing youth materials since 1988. He has written for numerous Youth weekends and summer camps around the world. He also does training workshops for youth leaders and teachers in Asia and is recommended by others for his creativity and for his passion in mentoring youth. A great resource for planning your Christmas Party is the Creative Youth Ideas Christmas Collection found at

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Christmas Celebration - A Treat For Everyone

ที่ 5:18 AM 0 ความคิดเห็น

By Silky Thomas

Gather all together your friends, family, and guests to have a great Christmas Celebration. Get the things re-arranged which are essential during the time of celebration. Every celebration needs a huge amount of expenditure and similarly to do Christmas Celebration, you need various elements such as decorative items, ornaments, desserts, dinning menus, lights, and above all Christmas tree. During Christmas people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Moreover, people also celebrate this occasion as a celebration of family and togetherness. To make the celebration special there are lots of ideas to follow.

People celebrate in various ways but the common among all are buying and reading great stories, purchasing music from the great English cathedrals, making cakes at homes to presenting as gifts to friends and neighbors, dress up your kids in costumes like Mary and Joseph and go door to door, asking if they can come in to sing Christmas songs or deliver baked goods, tell stories to your children for they can also pass such stories into the coming generation. Christmas Celebration is the time when the members of a family get together to celebrate in full swing.

The feeling of brotherhood spreads everywhere during Christmas celebration among the people and it seems that every individual is busy in celebrating this occasion. People give wishes to one another through greeting cards and invitations. And that is why every one waits eagerly to celebrate this occasion. Further the season is also quite favorable for parties and celebration.
Have a real gala time with your near and dear ones and enhance the fragrance of the festivity. Fun mixed with happiness and enjoyment is the outcome of such auspicious celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. So, these are the ways people participate in the joy and hope of the Christmas season. provides exclusive information about Christmas Celebration In Arizona and Christmas Celebration In California. Visit this website to make a difference in your Christmas Celebration this time.
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The Christmas Credit Crunch

ที่ 5:14 AM 0 ความคิดเห็น
By Jan Gamm

Christmas is a time when most of us want to spend more than at any other time of the year on our families and friends. This year, unfortunately, many of us are finding it necessary to spend less than ever before, due to the global economy crisis.

There is no need to spend thousands of dollars to make Christmas a memorable event. Some things really do not cost very much and often they are the things your family will remember for years to come as the nicest part of this frugal Christmas.

In the days before Christmas, make an effort to allow your children to invite their friends home, even if it is just to watch some TV and eat some Christmas food. Organise some games for younger children and take them out to see the Christmas lights, maybe stage some carol singing. Most kids love this fun part of Christmas and it costs very little.

Instead of buying expensive electronic games this year, try investing in a good quality family board game that everyone can enjoy and take the time to actually play it with the rest of the family. Play some Christmas music, insist that the television goes off while you are playing and you will find that plenty of fun is had by all.

If you do not have an artificial Christmas tree and always buy a real one, try a smaller size to save money. You can raise the height by placing it on a small table. Stack 'artificial' present around the bottom of the tree to fill the gap, but remember to explain to the kids that they are not real and only for decoration, to avoid disappointment

If you are fortunate enough to have snow, then take the children out sledding on Christmas morning. Join up with friends and take some Christmas punch along to add to the festive warmth.

Jan Gamm writes reflections on life with an emphasis on world travel. She has lived in many countries and traveled extensively in the Far East, the Middle East, America, South America and throughout the South Pacific. She writes for fun and for money whenever she can manage it.
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Locating Dollhouse & Miniature Events

ที่ 1:51 AM 0 ความคิดเห็น
By Lily Morgan

Anyone that enjoys a particular hobby knows the joy that comes with the expression and enjoyment of that hobby. Dollhouse and miniature collectors are certainly no different. There are a large number of great events and exhibits that showcase and celebrate all things related to dollhouse collecting. For those seeking out these events, it may seem somewhat elusive at first. Though dollhouse exhibits are not as popular as some hobbies, it definitely has a market that is thriving throughout the years. If you're new to miniature collecting you may need to hit up a variety of sources. However, once you get started you will quickly uncover them all.

The first place to begin your search for dollhouse events is on the internet. It is the best and most utilized source for information currently and will likely remain that way for a long time to come. Browse hobby sites or local newspaper classifieds to find out if there is anything happening in your town or city. A hobby forum that has many visitors will also be a good location to get information.

Some collectors might be surprised to learn that there are miniature festivals held in major cities all over the world. From Denver to New York, there are enough events to keep the entire country satisfied. Many of these cities also have miniature museums so be sure to check them out for upcoming event information as well.

Every year New York City is the host to the American International Toy Fair. This toy festival includes many fun items but it also has a special devotion to dollhouses and miniatures. It draws people from all over the place for one great event that can't be missed if you are a true miniature lover. New York City is home of many things and dollhouse collecting is just another fantastic thing to find in the Big Apple.

In Birmingham, UK there is a large miniature event called Miniatura. It is one of the largest miniature shows in the entire world. There are well over two hundred and fifty vendors there for collectors to browse and admire. That is certainly more than enough for keeping even the hardest to please collector entertained.

The Seattle Dollhouse has been hosting miniature shows ever since 1978. They have enough years behind them to be considered one of the best American shows for dollhouse collectors. In this large city, there are many dollhouse collectors that have an interest in the various exhibits that visit the city. There are vendors on hand from all over the world to answer questions and display their products that can be purchased by collectors.

See the website for The Seattle Dollhouse for all information regarding location and event dates and times. They will be able to provide you with visiting hours as well as things like admission costs. Many of these facilities need volunteers to assist their organization. If this interests you, contact them for more information. There are many dollhouse and miniature events throughout the world. Utilize the resources available to you and you will pinpoint them with ease.

Visit the place for dollhouses and miniatures. Find everything from play dollhouses for young children to grand mansions for collectors. We specialize in miniature dollhouse kits for every skill level and budget. And don't forget the dollhouse furniture! Visit us online at today!

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Home Sweet Doll House

ที่ 1:49 AM 0 ความคิดเห็น
By Rachel Nunez

One of the misconceptions about doll houses is that these miniatures bring the owner to some sort of a fantasy world or to some a Neverland far away. Most people did not find it hard to believe. Their belief is not without good basis. After all, a doll house is just a make-believe and a toy.

The truth is, a doll house or any toy for that matter helps people get in touch with reality. Toys have their playful way of reminding their owners that there is a real world out there. In the case of doll houses, these miniatures reminds us that no matter where and how far we go, there is always this place we call home that we have not stop loving.

Decorating a Kidkraft doll house is just one of the activities that keep us in touch with our feelings for our respective real homes. When applying paint on a doll house for example, you apply as much care and diligence as when painting your own home to get a smooth finish. There are other ways of decorating a doll house with which you can express how much you care for your real home. Aside form painting, there are other ways to decorate your doll house which include:

- Wallpapering
- Carpeting
- Tiling
- Creating stone work
- Cladding the walls in wood

The most common decorating ways that most doll house owners prefer are painting, wallpapering and carpeting being the easiest to do. Carpeting for example does not require as much technical knowledge as would creating stone work. You need to have a little more experience before moving on to tiling, creating stone work, and wood cladding.

Painting is by far the easiest to do because you do not have to worry much about getting the right scale. All you need is to choose the color scheme of your choice. When painting the walls of your doll house, you can create a pleasing effect by adding trim work and moldings. It is best to use a non acrylic based paint. Wallpapering and carpeting need an entirely different approach, besides choosing the right color scheme, you need to find a carpet or wallpaper that is the right scale for your doll house. The same approach apply to tiling.

If you think wallpapering is only good and is limited to your doll house's interior you are underestimating the beauty of wallpapers. There are lots brick papers to give the exterior an authentic look. Do not also underestimate the type of wall paper adhesive you are using since this will result to sloppy work. Do use special paper adhesive that are available in doll house stores.

There are available wooden flooring that is scaled and ready to lay down making it easier for you to work on the flooring. However, if you are using cabinet grade plywood you may stain and give it a good finish to give it a natural wood appeal.

A well decorated Kidkraft doll house is just too good to be true.

For more tips and information about dollhouses, check out

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