Discover Yourself With an Online Photo Journal

ที่ 6:41 PM

By MJ Johnston

Each of us has come to earth to experience a journey through a thing called life. While we are here we have many things to learn in order to help us progress into happy, successful productive people.

Creating an online photo journal through online photo sharing stories is a way to find out who you are and sort through the lessons you are learning. Journals have long been used for this purpose and putting them online and adding photos makes them all the more compelling and creates more vivid memories.

Online photo sharing stories help people to journal their lives and experiences which they can choose to keep private or share with others. Sharing your journal with others can help them develop a greater understanding of what your life is like and what their own lives were about.

Some journals even help chronicle history. Anne Frank's father had her journal published because he believed the honesty in the way the story was told, she never expected anyone else to read it, would really give people an idea of what it was like to experience the holocaust. A deliberate writing of the story would lose so much of the purity that Anne's writing had. Helping people understand each other creates a greater sense of community throughout the world and makes people want to help each other.

Even though most of us are not living under constant threat of our families and lives being taken by Nazis, each us face our own trials and difficulties. We also each have our own joys and triumphs. Even Anne in her cramped quarters with seemingly so little to look forward to managed to find joy in the everyday experiences of life. When we better understand ourselves and how to find joy we can give our lives more meaning and purpose. Online photo sharing stories can be the tool to help us on the path to self discovery by helping us keep detailed photo journals of our lives.

Keeping a journal is not only a great way to discover yourself, but it is a great way to chronicle a moment in history. Each of our lives have meaning and purpose, a purpose that goes beyond the mundane tasks of daily living, and sharing with one another gives us greater understanding and strength for our own journeys. Creating online photo sharing stories makes our journals so much richer and more meaningful and could even give us an opportunity to affect the world in a positive way. Your pictures provide a glimpse into your world and the events that make it special and your words help to sort through the emotions and put the events in context. It is never too late or too early to start journaling with online photo sharing stories.

MJ Johnston writes for a variety of websites, including Hoorray, a photo sharing site that offers the quickest and easiest way to enjoy online photo printing.

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