By Jimmy Wilson has discovered a totally new and unique quilting pattern from down under. An Australian by the name of Chris Timmons has copyrighted a quilt pattern that is re-kindling an art form of quilting unlike any other in decades.
Seldom does something this spectacular become available to re-create and possess!
Quilting Patterns come in a variety of designs and patterns but there are those that really stand out and catch your eyes, the Twisted Bargello is one such quilt pattern you simply MUST SEE!
Twisted Bargello quilt pattern has an optical illusion or three-dimensional effect if you will, that causes you to take a second look once your eyes first catch a glimpse of it. There are numerous quilt kits and quilting patterns available and many of us have always had a tendency to favor the traditional quilting patterns like the Wedding Ring quilt pattern, Log Cabin quilt pattern, or the Lone Star, but occasionally, a new and pleasingly different quilting pattern emerges and can become a new standard from which we choose to mimic.
Chris Timmons is an Australian native that has shared this remarkable quilting pattern for all of us to make and enjoy. As time goes on, the ever-popular Nine-Patch-Criss-Cross Quilt, Lone Star or Pineapple piece of Cake quilting patterns may just share equal billing with the Twisted Bargello.
Quilt Kits allow anyone with a sewing knack to take quilting patterns and put their sewing abilities to work and create personal masterpiece quilts to share with friends and family for years to come. Passing on a quilt to future generations is a legacy that has blessed many families literally around the world.
Quilting Patterns and designs date back to the settlers that found our great nation and we commemorate them in their accomplishments by keeping their patterns alive today. Whenever you have a quilt that you’ve started and haven’t found time to finish, think of how many people, family or otherwise, that will treasure your quilting handiwork for years beyond your lifespan. I know some of the greatest gifts my grandmothers gave me, are the quilts, pillows, and other hand sewn articles that I won’t part with until it’s time to pass on to my grandchildren.
To learn more about the Twisted Bargello and the Lightning Strike quilt designs please stop by our site:
To learn more about quilting, quilt kits and the Twisted Bargello and the Lightning Strike quilt designs please stop by our site:
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