Creating Model Train Water Features

ที่ 8:31 AM

By Victor

An extremely enjoyable hobby, model train building can definitely benefit from adding different features such as working bins or even water features. A water feature can be anything from creeks and streams to rivers or even a lake. There is no end to the amount of creativity you can use when it comes to using this technique to improve your model train layout.

You can make this sort of feature from many different materials. You could use something as simple as crumpled up tin foil with an ash tray or a bowl to create this look. All you have to do is to look for the shape you want to create and crumple the foil to fit this shape. You then just have to place your new "pond" on the train layout and maybe add a few touches of paint to make it look a bit more realistic. First you will need to disguise the edge of the pond with some "dirt" such as coffee grounds.

You can also use sand or little rocks to dress the edges up. Now you will just need to add the illusion of depth to the water feature. This can be accomplished by painting the inside with different acrylic colors. You should paint the inner parts deeper colors and the outer ones a lighter shade of blues and greens. This will help to vary the depth of the water. If you want to add any small islands you can do so by using rocks. Now all you have to do is to fill up the water feature with some of the clear acrylic cement. You can either spread it thin and flat or you can even make "waves" by pulling it up into small heaps.

If you are wanting to add more realism than this then you should start by getting pictures of a water feature that you would like to simulate. Get as many different ones as you can especially of the area surrounding the water. You should also look at the colors that are in the water so you can accurately match them. When you begin to build your new feature you should keep in mind that coffee grounds are perfect for simulating the dirt that surrounds lakes. You can also simulate gravels and rocks by using small pebbles.

If you are wanting to represent boulders or islands then you can use big rocks. After you know where on your train layout that you will be placing your feature. You then should decide what sort of feature it is going to be. It could be a pond, a lake, a beach front or more. No matter which it is you will need to first lay the course out on your display. As soon as this is done then you can begin to paint it and add coffee grounds or sand.

Once you get all the parts into place you can begin running your "water" by pouring acrylic floor wax. Use it as deep as you need it but before you decide to create your simulated waves you will need to allow the wax to set a bit. This will begin you down the road to making award winning water features, enjoy!

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for model cars, model trains, and model trucks. You will find excellent hobbying and trading resources here for model car tricks, model train.
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