Publish a Craft Book - A Win Win Situation!

ที่ 4:23 PM
By Bob Beacham

If you've ever thought of writing a craft book and publishing it yourself there has never been a better time. If you though getting to publish a craft book was beyond your reach I have some very good news for you!

The old barriers to publishing: printing costs, storage, distribution, advertising, have gone through a revolution. Today anyone who can has basic pc skills and an internet connection can not only write their own craft book but publish it themselves too.

In fact I'd go so far as to say that the fact that you've got this far in this article means you have the skill set and equipment necessary. What you don't currently have in terms of software and a book selling website can be had for free or at most for less than the price of a family size pizza!

So that's all excellent news. It gets better.

Traditional craft book publishing relied to a large extent on accountancy as any merit of the craft book itself. All the things mentioned earlier had to add up before a publisher would consider you. Even when they did, once you'd waited a couple of years for your craft book to finally be printed you'd be looking at earning perhaps ten per cent of the cover price.

Now you can handle the whole process yourself, from home, and with digital delivery you can publish a craft book and pocket upwards of eighty per cent of the profit!

Is it any surprise that this is such a huge area of growth? Don't you think now would be a good time to finally make up your mind to do it?

You bet it is!

You can start tomorrow and within just a few weeks you could be a published craft author. There's even better news though if you also produce your own craft items because there are other spin-off benefits in addition to the craft book income itself.

The fact that you become a craft book author elevates your standing. After all, not just anybody gets published, do they? Most people will never know how easily you managed to publish your craft book, they just accept that as an author you are obviously an expert.

So it's more than likely you'll attract more customers for your craft products. It's equally likely they could command a higher price. You might find yourself invited to lucrative speaking engagements or demonstrations. Who knows where it might lead?

Now maybe you think I'm making this all sound a bit rosy. It can't be that easy, after all. well it's true it'll take a bit of thought and a bit of hard work - if you call a couple of weeks at your pc hard work - but it really isn't rocket science. A couple of free software programs which you may already have on your pc and you're away.

If you ever wanted to publish a craft book the financial barriers are gone so you've no excuses. A bit of effort from you and it's a win-win situation that will pay dividends tomorrow and for years to come

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